Blogger-SMS | Déjà Vu ~ Times


Déjà Vu: A New Cultural Revolution

Today marks the fifty-sixth anniversary of the ‘May 16th Notification’ (1966) that effectively began the Cultural Revolution in China that brought such devastation that “In 1981, the Communist Party itself declared that the Cultural Revolution had ‘brought serious disaster and turmoil to the Communist Party and the Chinese people’.”* And what was the “great” agenda […]

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“Patsies and Errand Boys”*

Has our evolution devolved to this?a multi-cell conglomeratemanifesting as “The Domination System”? Recently, two “cell-conglomerates” came under the microscope of my readings: the banking and the pharmaceutical — both of which sustain our rapacious Domination System. The sad commentary is that we humans are the food and waste of many cell-complexes as we run our energy-errands

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