Blogger-SMS | Déjà Vu ~ Times


#001: Heroes and Hydras*

Heroes look above and beyond [*Hydra**: abbreviated from Heydrich (pronounced: high-drish) for ease and symbolic reference to the déjà vus of Then and Now.] If we know our recent history, we know that Reinhard Heydrich1 was selected by Heinrich Himmler2 in 1931 as one of his organization men to seek out and neutralize resistance by arrests, […]

#001: Heroes and Hydras* Read More »

“An Imperative Duty”?

Copy of an email sent to the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI), Fri 2023-12-15 9:23 PM Subject: Thank You and an 1839 Parallel?  Greetings: NCI Commissioners: Dr. Bernard Massie, Ken Drysdale, Janice Kaikkonen, Heather DiGregorio; Lawyer Shawn Buckley, and other NCI staff and employees: You are probably not aware of this document written in 1839 to

“An Imperative Duty”? Read More »

NCI: Final Report Have you listened to any of the many witnesses during the National Citizens  Inquiry? Do we realize that reading, listening, accepting, and broadcasting the NCI testimonies and reports could change, not just Canada, but the world if we will but awaken to the suppressed, censored truths and realities of the past three plus years? Here

NCI: Final Report Read More »

Witness for the Prosecution: Retired Police Officer

When the pscience1 of CV, along with its public health officials, politicians, broadcasters, promoters, doctors, lawyers, enforcers, and every soul who advocated for the CV lies, come to trial2 for crimes against humanity, this is the type of professional witness that will justify condemnation, indictment, and conviction: Retired Police Officer Vincent Gircys Testimony | Toronto

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