Blogger-SMS | Déjà Vu ~ Times


Conspiracies of Control?

As we: ▪ look at our world through the eyes of millions of witnesses testifying via the internet about the crimes and corruptions that are disrupting and destroying life on a scale we could never imagine without those proliferating witnesses;1 ▪ listen to PWOCs (Person/People WithOut Conscience) desperately trying to deny and cover-up their “secret […]

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Placebo   “– a fake treatment [using] an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution –”1   — “1 a pill, etc., containing no active substance, given to satisfy a patient or to serve as a control in an experiment … 2 something said only to flatter or mollify.”2 Considering the recent sugar fraud,3 should we

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Promises, Promises

By lavish self-presentation, BK is a b-b[1] oilman; though by comparison to the BM-types[2], BK is of the bottom-rung variety. He began a dream-project—a massive, corporate retreat for b-b comrades who were said to crave a western, cowboy experience on a big ranch. BK bought sections of land on a river; fenced it with miles

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