Dr. Déjà Vu Will we wake up once we are plucked clean? (See image info below footnotes*) |
For something labelled “Never Again” it’s astounding to see its likeness rise, within one lifetime, from an alleged grave, to being as full-fleshed and psychopathic as ever. With our ubiquitous facial recognition, should our “experts” not be able to spot the resurrected felon “in an instant, suddenly” — despite the masking! Since such “experts” and their adherents seem plagued by a frontal-lobe deficiency, here are some pointers for comparison:
□ restriction of movement (papers please!1)
□ restriction of assembly (self-isolation, social distancing, quarantine, forced closure of gathering venues, jailing of churches,2 etc.)
□ snitching promoted to “unmask” disobedient, dissenting neighbors, family, strangers (phone lines open now — and overwhelmed!3 )
□ suspicion and distrust of everyone encouraged
□ mere suspicion of dissent (or contagion contact) is proof enough of guilt (or mandatory quarantine)
□ get the children onside the narrative and against their parents
□ lies and lying stats are justified in pursuit of the narrative truth
□ restriction of speech — critics of the narrative truth deserve to be censored, maligned, threatened, bullied, persecuted
□ persistently disobedient deserve to be disciplined, fined, assaulted, quarantined, prosecuted, incarcerated
□ the New Jew – the Un-v’d – are selfish enemies of the People and deserve to die4
□ authorities have first, middle, and last word on permitted thought and culture
□ cooperation of majority can be captured thru fear, favor, fake-facts, or moral failure
□ media persuaded / compelled to broadcast unending narrative truth and fear-propaganda
□ forced medical experiments on humans mandated for the sake of science [pscience5], safety, and salvation of the human species (meaning: gene-masters) — (plus unacknowledged, “ancillary” benefits of slave-like control and stupendous profits for the slavors)
□ etc., etc. (watch for more unfolding comparisons in this déjà vu world)
1. Just web-search “vaccine passports”
2. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2021/04/open-letter-to-reverend-greg.html
3. Web or YouTube search “snitch” and COVID”
(Or just read a few of these of hundreds possible:)
Reporting public health violations to 311 is encouraged: Calgary mayor
• https://globalnews.ca/news/6884928/coronavirus-calgary-reporting-violations/
• https://www.cityofwestsacramento.org/services/report-a-public-health-violation
• https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Practitioner-Licensing–Investigations/PLIS/Reporting-a-Complain
• https://srcity.org/3281/Reporting-a-Health-Order-Violation
• https://www.peterboroughpublichealth.ca/for-professionals/health-professionals/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-professionals/reporting-complaints/
• https://www.peelregion.ca/coronavirus/non-compliance-reporting/
• https://www.mahb.org/resources/how-to-report-a-violation/
• https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/covid-19/report-covid-violations.cfm
• https://spvm.qc.ca/en/Pages/Report-an-event/COVID19–Report-a-situation-online
• https://www.vancouverisawesome.com/vancouver-news/here-is-how-to-report-parties-and-violations-during-the-covid-19-pandemic-2863671
• https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/health-care-administration-and-provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019-novel-coronavirus/public-health-measures/public-health-orders/non-compliance-reporting-form
4. Just YouTube search “refusing to treat” and “doctors turn away” or the like as it relates to un-v’d.
5. Pscience is the corrupted offshoot of honorable Science. It is the inevitable consequence of man’s obsessive pursuit and protection of power, gain, glory, and domination. Pscience is pseudo, psychopathic, propagandizing, plagiarizing, psy-opic, and above all, profit-obsessed, and profit-driven. This obsessive pursuit and protection by people without conscience is often enabled by naïve, trusting, or fear-filled acolytes and servitors. Pscience is a one-faith, one-dogma, heretic-fearing, self-deceiving, other-censoring system. The 21st Century question is: What are we now enabling or supporting? science or pscience?
*Image from 1917 AD: Repurposed and Recycled Pursuant to the Times
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Strafed_-_D._R._Fitzpatrick_1917.jpg
File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1b/Strafed_-_D._R._Fitzpatrick_1917.jpg
Attribution: Daniel R. Fitzpatrick, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Description: “Strafed”, cartoon about Germany’s peace proposals during World War I
Date: 1917
Source: Cartoons Magazine vol. 11, 1917
Permission: Public Domain
Author: Daniel R. Fitzpatrick (1891–1969)
Daniel Robert Fitzpatrick (March 5, 1891 – May 18, 1969) was a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and an editorial cartoonist for the St. Louis Dispatch from 1913 to 1958.[1]
Fitzpatrick was born in Superior, Wisconsin. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago. From 1911 to 1912 he worked as a staff artist and cartoonist at the Chicago Daily News. Joining the St. Louis Post Dispatch in 1913, Fitzpatrick served as its editorial cartoonist until 1958.[2]
His work and actions received criticism. In 1940 the cartoonist and several other Post Dispatch staff members were cited with contempt of court because they criticized the dismissal of an extortion suit against a State Representative. Fitzpatrick received a ten-day sentence and a $100 fine.[2]
Repurposed by SMS 2022: 1) Bird speech “They Strafed Me!” replaced with “You lied to me”; 2) “Dr. Déjà Vu” added beneath lapel medals.