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The Science of Science Fraud

FACTS (reproduced and reproducible—déjà vu on déjà vu).

Take a natural man /woman* who:

▪ becomes enamored with an idea or theory;
▪ believes their idea /theory is unique and/or revolutionary;
▪ spends days, weeks, months, years studying and/or testing the idea/theory;
▪ knows that confirming the theory will bring accolades and recognition;
▪ believes there is potential for great wealth in “verifying” and publishing;
▪ believes they are justified in fudging results for good purpose;

then we have a system that will test the natural scientist to the max, as in:

The Crisis of Science (Time 31:36) at

* Natural man/woman, i.e., one who views the world principally through self-serving lenses.

See also the follow up: Dissecting The Crisis of Science – Andrea Saltelli on The Corbett Report(Time 33:45) at  or go to Corbett’s website at

See also: Solutions: Open Science (Time 40:39) at