…You Might Prove a Pallbearer for Canada
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Cartoonist: William Charles Morris, 1874-1940 Recycled & Repurposed from 1906-1908 by SMS pursuant to the times of 2025 Source Info below footnotes |
Here’s why:
1. Mark Carney** appears to be a script reader. He announced his candidacy for Liberal Leader and future PM by constantly referencing a (paper) script1? And if his (or your) excuse is an alleged, glitchy teleprompter,2 does that excuse his inability to be spontaneous and speak from his heart? Where did his eyes continually go?
2. He claims to have saved two economies as head of two CENTRAL banks (Canada and England), which should trigger an alert considering the history of CENTRAL Banks — a history that he and his industry ignore3?
3. He failed to acknowledge his shadow role in the Freeland financial fiasco of December 2024.4 And who, with any degree of awareness of global power corruption and CENTRAL bank agendas and shenanigans could possibly trust a Central banker to run a country — not to mention the high profile warnings5 about banks and bankers over the years?
4. He is NOT an outsider. He is the opposite — a power insider6 hobnobbing with government ministers, oligarchs, technocrats, and (en)titled elites; fronting for an ideology of Utopian Globalism and wealth redistribution (except for the wealth of those in the Bankster’s Club).
5. He’s a WEFian7 acolyte believing the gospel of New World Order8 which favors the decline of sovereign governments, which belief contradicts his seducing words of preserving Canada. WEFian founder Klaus Schwab already bragged about his penetration of Canada,9 and since fellow WEFians, Trudeau and Freeland (a former WEFian trustee10) have already done demolition duty,11 what might Carney’s purpose be, if not to professionalize the clean-out crew?
6. He decries “politics as usual,” which, in WEF-speak, means the technocratic takeover of “inefficient, cumbersome” democratic systems. In short: “Let the experts and elite Utopians rule a Global Network Technocracy.”
7. He has been endorsed to date by at least 30 Liberal MPs, many who served for nine years as flying monkeys12 for Trudeau#2 and thus are MPs who cannot be trusted to distinguish good from bad, true from fake, Rights from wrongs, sincerity from hypocrisy, consequence from cover-up.13 Just because Chrystia Freeland and Karina Gould are running competition, does not exempt them from the above criticisms.14 How many of them stood up against the crimes, corruptions, coercions, conspiracies, and conflicts of interest over the past nine years?
8. Carney has the capacity to do even more damage to Canada because Trudeau#2 presents as an ego-intoxicated kid, whereas Carney knows what centralized power and money can destroy — with ample “justification” in order to “Build Back Better” for the Utopian ubermenschen. How many men and women in today’s world reach the upper echelons of power and influence without making promises to the shadow bosses of the world15?
So if you want to be a pallbearer for Canada, vote Carney (or even Freeland or Gould). They all seem cut from the same cloth of WO. They speak LOVE for Canada but espouse WEFian WO. Are we so blind and deaf we cannot discern the dissonance between their WEF-allegiance and their LOVE talk?
I end with an invitation to Mr. Carney: You do not have to play this role that has been scripted for you. Your soul is worth more than the combined wealth of all the “chummy” global oligarchs whose perennial practice is to groom their servitors from early on.16 Just because you have said yes to so much R.I.C.E.17 in the past does not mean you cannot begin to say no. Of course, there may be dire consequences because your “friends” in the Bankster’s Club don’t generally accept no, but with God’s help you can figure this out. You must know their purpose for your anointed tenure is to MAID18 Canada. Have the courage to confess,, repent, and remediate as best you can, otherwise you will make a prophet of our notable John Ralston Saul (Canadian writer, political philosopher, public intellectual) who defined your profession:
“Bankers – pillars of society who are going to hell if there is a God and He has been accurately quoted.”19
One final warning to Canadians from Baron de Montesquieu | 1689-1755, French judge, man of letters, historian, political philosopher:
“For a country, everything will be lost when the jobs of an economist and a banker become highly respected professions.”20
** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Carney (accessed Jan 19, 2025; bold emphasis added.)
Mark Joseph Carney (born March 16, 1965) is a Canadian economist and politician who served as the eighth governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 to 2013 and the 120th governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020. He was the chair of the Financial Stability Board from 2011 to 2018. …
A member of the Liberal Party of Canada, Carney became a special advisor and the chair of the Liberal task force on economic growth in September 2024.[6][7] He previously became an informal advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2020, advising him on the COVID-19 economic response.[8][9][10] After Trudeau’s [intended] resignation, speculation emerged of Carney’s candidacy to replace him.[11] On January 16, 2025, Carney launched his campaign for the Liberal leadership in Edmonton, Alberta.[12] …
Department of Finance Canada
From November 2004 to October 2007, Carney was the senior associate deputy minister and G7 deputy in the Department of Finance Canada. He served under two finance ministers: Ralph Goodale, a Liberal, and Jim Flaherty, a Conservative. During this time Carney oversaw the Government of Canada’s controversial plan to tax income trusts at source.[31] Carney was also the lead on the federal government’s profitable sale of its 19 percent stake in Petro-Canada.[32][33]
Carney is a member of the Group of Thirty, an international body of leading financiers and academics, and of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum.[48][49] Carney attended the annual meetings of the Bilderberg Group in 2011, 2012 and 2019.[50][51]
As of October 2020, Carney was vice chairman at Brookfield Asset Management, where he led the firm’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) and impact fund investment strategy.[64][65][66][67] In February 2021, Carney retracted an earlier claim that the $600 billion Brookfield Asset Management portfolio was carbon neutral. He had based his claim on the fact that Brookfield has a large renewable energy portfolio and “all the avoided emissions that come with that”. The claim was criticized as accounting tricks because avoided emissions do not counteract the emissions from investments in coal and other fossil fuels responsible for Brookfield’s carbon footprint of about 5,200 metric tons of carbon dioxide.[68][69] A week after being appointed as special advisor to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, it was revealed that Brookfield Asset Management solicited the federal government for $10 billion in federal funds as part of $50 billion Canada-only asset fund. Carney did not need to follow standard ethical disclosures mandatory for prime ministerial advisors because he was employed by the Liberal Party rather than the Prime Minister’s Office.[70][71] …
Freeman of the City of London[117]
Wealth inequality
In 2011 Carney referred to the Occupy Wall Street protests as “entirely constructive”, citing frustrations being felt “particularly in the United States” over inequality and increasing CEO-worker pay gaps.[84] In December 2016, Carney warned of the societal risk of “staggering wealth inequalities” in a Roscoe Lecture at Liverpool John Moores University: “The proportion of the wealth held by the richest 1% of Americans increased from 25% in 1990 to 40% in 2012 … Globally, the share of wealth held by the richest 1% in the world rose from one-third in 2000 to one-half in 2010.”[85]
Speaking just hours after US President Donald Trump posted a tweet blaming Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s policies for creating fears of an economic recession and threatening China with more retaliatory tariffs, Carney urged central banks to collaborate in replacing the US dollar as reserve currency. He cautioned against choosing another new hegemonic reserve currency like the Renminbi and suggested instead, a “new Synthetic Hegemonic Currency” (SHC), such as Libra,[93][94][95] which could potentially be provided “through a network of central bank digital currencies,” that would decrease the US dollar’s “domineering influence” on trade worldwide.[94][95]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Carney (accessed Jan 19, 2025)
1. Carney launches Liberal leadership bid in Edmonton
(CBC News | Jan 16, 2025 | Time 30:22 min.) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDt1bzxueKs
(begin about 10 min. mark)
2. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/behind-the-scenes-mark-carney-liberal-leadership-launch-1.7435321?cmp=newsletter_Morning%20Headlines%20from%20CBC%20News_1613_1838475
3. ▪ The Controversial Rise of Central Banking
▪ How Central Banks “Easy Money” Ruined The Economy
▪ The Central Banks Lied…
▪ $4Trillion Missing | What the Central Planners Have in Store for You Part 1 @thesolarireport | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5rzv5PmVuU
▪ https://corbettreport.com/
▪ https://corbettreport.com/episode-292-century-of-enslavement-the-history-of-the-federal-reserve/
▪ https://corbettreport.com/interview-921-finance-and-liberty-the-federal-reserve-is-the-root-of-the-problem/
▪ https://corbettreport.com/interview-959-james-corbett-breaks-the-set-on-the-federal-reserve/
▪ Uncovering the Dark Secrets of the Federal Reserve: James Corbett’s Explosive Documentary
▪ Tragedy and Hope 101 interview with author Joe Plummer
(Richard Grove | Feb 28, 2016 | Time 1:35:18 min.) at
▪ Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
4. “Michael Taube: “Carney claims to be a political outsider, but he’s very much on the inside: Carney first advised the Trudeau Liberals on their economic response to COVID-19 in 2020, and became a special adviser and chair of their economic task force last September”
5. https://moc-n-dox.blogspot.com/2024/10/dear-fellow-canadians.html
6. Michael Taube: “Carney claims to be a political outsider, but he’s very much on the inside: Carney first advised the Trudeau Liberals on their economic response to COVID-19 in 2020, and became a special adviser and chair of their economic task force last September”
David Staples:”All the reasons why we can’t trust Mark Carney to put Canada first
Peter Foster, a Cambridge-educated economist, wrote in 2020, Carney’s focus is radical change of the business and material world.”
Civilizations of Tomorrow: Built to Fail or Rise? (World Governments Summit)
Honor / Award: Freeman of the City of London[117]
“Mark Carney’s Speech at the Mansion House Bankers and Merchants Dinner, London – Bank of England”. bankofengland.co.uk. Retrieved June 24, 2016.
7. WEF: World Economic Forum, being the placeholder for whoever turns out to be the top-dog in the Global Order Gangster competition. Here are some critical views of the WEF agendas:
● Javier Milei addresses World Economic Forum in Davos | FULL SPEECH
(National Post | Jan 18, 2024 | Time 26:11 min) at
● Argentina President Javier Milei slams elites at Davos: ‘the state is the problem’
(New York Post | Jan 17, 2024 | Time 22:42 min) at
● Heritage President Goes Scorched Earth on Globalist Elites at WEF
(The Heritage Foundation | Jan 18, 2024 | Time 2:53 min.) at
● Speaking Truth to Power at the World Economic Forum | Kevin Roberts and Pete Hegseth on Fox News
(The Heritage Foundation | Jan 21, 2024 | Time 4:43 min.) at
● Damon Imani Tells Klaus Schwab To Go F**k Himself
(WhangareiTim | Jan 18, 2024 | Time 1:11 min.) at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2VZyY2ENts (Profanity WARNING)
● Guest Brings Up Epstein At WEF 2024 Conference In Davos
(Damon Imani Reposts | Jan 19, 2024 | Time 30 sec.) at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ksfzBY_-G8 (Profanity WARNING)
● Damon Imani: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qSDEA7jnOx0 (Profanity WARNING)
● Said the Only Human at Davos
(Jammin’ Jake | Jan 17, 2024 | Time 30 sec.) at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cbl3nAWnOPE (Profanity WARNING)
● BREAKING: New WEF participant does the unthinkable at 2024 Davos Meeting.
(Monica Smit | Jan 16, 2024 | 19 sec.) at
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beG-IpZk4DA (Profanity WARNING)
8. New World Order:
9. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2022/02/the-penetration-of-canada.html
10. Chrystia Freeland KICKED OUT of WEF as Liberal Party Feud IMPLODES[???]
Chrystia Freeland: https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Freeland&x=11&y=2&status=&class_year=§or=®ion=#results (showing her as a trustee, but now scrubbed.)
11. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2022/08/when-do-we-call-this-treason.html
12. https://simple.wiktionary.org/wiki/flying_monkeys
Narcissists And Their Flying Monkeys
(Surviving Narcissism) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBIauMej5Ok
What are “flying monkeys”? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)
(DoctorRamani) at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDclCIFQML8
13. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2024/12/scandal-mania.html
14. https://moc-n-dox.blogspot.com/2024/05/hyper-hypocrisy-at-its-finest.html
15. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/10/corruption-by-design.html
16. https://dejavu-times.blogspot.com/2020/10/corruption-by-design.html
17. R.I.C.E.: Reward.Ideology.Compromise/Corruption/Coercion.Ego
18. MAID: M[ediated] Assistance in Dying
19. https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/john-ralston-saul-quotes
20. https://www.forbes.com/quotes/981/
Cartoonist: Wm. Charles Morris | 1906-1908
Re-purposed by SMS | 2025
Hatband reads: LIB
Unseen inside hatband:
conspirators, accomplices, perpetrators, sycophants, script-readers
Page URL: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WCMorris_Spokesman-Review_cartoons_124.jpg
File URL: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/69/WCMorris_Spokesman-Review_cartoons_124.jpg
Attribution: William Charles Morris, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Description: Editorial cartoon by William C. Morris.
Date: circa 1906 – 1908
Source: Morris, William Charles (1908) Spokesman-Review Cartoons, Spokane, WA: Review Publishing Company
Permission: This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author’s life plus 70 years or fewer
Author: Morris, William Charles 1874-1940
William Charles Morris (March 6, 1874–April 10, 1940) was an American political cartoonist. Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, he began his career with the Salt Lake Herald and later worked as cartoonist with The Spokesman-Review in Spokane, from 1904 to 1913,[1] after which he worked for such publications as New-York Tribune, New York Mail, the George Matthew Adams Syndicate, and Harper’s Weekly.[2] He was on the publicity staff of the Republican National Committee during the 1936 presidential campaign. He died of heart attack at Nyack, New York, April 10, 1940, at age 66.[3] | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Charles_Morris
2025 Changes by SMS:
• Removed text: 1) “FOR W.J. BRYAN” from coffin end; 2) “HEARST” from hatband; 3) “News Item — A break has occurred in the former close friendship between Wm. J. Bryan and Wm. R. Hearst”
• Added: 1) Re- to Hearsed (Title); 2) “Canada, 1867-2025 to coffin end; 3} LIB” to hatband. (If the inside of the hatband could be seen, it would read: conspirators, accomplices, perpetrators, sycophants, script-readers); 4) “WEF+” and “Global Services” to hearse side.